DeckPro Pitch Deck Proposal Google Slide
Our presentation template was created with one thing in mind: creating professional, persuasive and impactful presentations. Our template contains the highest standards for organization, professionalism and style. A deck that looks great and is easy to use will save hours of effort, impress your audience and ultimately increase your chances of winning big contracts or get fund for your startup.
46 Unique Slides
200+ SVG Icon
Editable Data Chart
All graphics resizable and editable
Used and recommended free web fonts
Based on Master Slides
16:9 Wide Screen Ratio
Picture Placeholder
Easily Editable!
1 PowerPoint .PPTX (Google Slides PPTX) file
Documentation File
Note: All images is for demo purpose, not include in main file
Thank You.
Companyprofile, Professional, Modern, Elegant, Creative, Consulting ,Infographic, Pitchdeck, Business, Technology, Marketing, Mobileapp, Businessplan, Minimal, Proposal, gfx